Practices are likely to see increased demand for student vaccinations, with larger numbers of students living in the family home and lower childhood vaccine uptake among those age cohorts starting university.
Advice for practices in Community Health Partnerships or NHS Property Services premises, including guidance on Occupancy Agreement Letters and Occupancy Change Notices.
The BMA are asking for practices to provide information on the volume of correspondence in their ‘unprocessed’ Docman folder and how long it will take them to go through it. Responses will be used to push for some degree of reimbursement for the additional work created through the Docman error.
A round-up of our upcoming training events and courses for practice staff and clinicians, including day-long workshops and our blended learning courses for practice nurses, healthcare assistants and practice managers.
Don’t forget our vacancies section is free to use for practices. All you need to do is complete and submit the web form and we will do the rest to get your job listing online.
We continue to be very active in promoting the interests of London GPs and practice staff on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. We also support practices that are approached with media requests. You can find details here.
New partner Surgery Connect provides GP telephony that meets the current and
future needs of primary care and delivers time and cost efficiencies across general practice.